Safari On Water: What To Expect From Murrells Inlet Eco Tours

Murrells Inlet Eco Tours are an excellent opportunity to witness the area’s natural environment (and its many species of wildlife). Visit Murrells Inlet offers a grand boat tour specifically focused on the salt marsh estuary. You’ll experience a 2-hour-long educational ride along the coast guided by a naturalist, who’ll be sure to point out the various animals you might see during your tour. The following sections convey a more detailed overview of what, exactly, to expect from our saltmarsh eco-tour in Myrtle Beach!
Diverse Wildlife
The inlet is home to a plethora of wildlife that thrive in this particular environment, the salt marsh. You’ll get the chance to see migratory birds as well as native species—from peacocks to pelicans—and even some marine mammals. Fish thrive in the saltwater; you’ll see plenty under the water as you coast along. The area is a haven for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts alike.
Flora and Fauna
There will be opportunities to witness unique plant life and vegetation throughout the boat tour in Murrells Inlet. The saltmarsh grasses are the most common of these plants: they are what make up the majority of the ecosystem found in Murrells Inlet, seen on the beaches separate from the saltmarsh too. These plants are incredibly critical within this specific coastal ecosystem; your naturalist guide will surely give you a detailed rundown if you’re eager to learn more!
Types of Tours Available
The Murrells Inlet eco-tour is a daytime boat tour that takes approximately 2 hours. You’ll get to see wildlife during the day, though if you want to experience a nocturnal environment with different wildlife, you might consider booking the sunset cruise Visit Murrells Inlet offers, too! The eco-tour, however, focuses on the ecosystem in the salt marsh, specifically. Other tours include the 4th of July fireworks tour, the history tour, and the entire moon cruise! Book today with Visit Murrells Inlet.
Educational Experience
The tour guide you’ll be embarking with is a knowledgeable expert, with whom you’ll get to learn and experience the saltmarsh through a naturalist’s eyes! They will provide educational commentary on the local ecology, history, and conservation efforts. Having an expert on board also gives rise to the opportunity for personalized questions and discussion focused on the ecosystem, wildlife behavior, and environmental challenges. Interactive learning is often the best way for information to stick with you, even after the fact!
The Experience of Being on Water
A boat tour during a calm, sunny summer’s day is a perfect day well-spent on your Myrtle Beach vacation. It’s a serene and peaceful experience, gliding along the water with wildlife and vegetation surrounding you; it’ll make civilization a distant memory as you immerse yourself in nature. The scenic view is a beautiful one, with sights of the water, marshlands, and distant coastline.
Photography Opportunities
With such a picturesque background, you’ll be able to capture stunning photos of wildlife and landscapes, especially during golden hours. Of course, you’ll also be able to take pictures of you and your family against Murrells Inlet’s beautiful natural environment!
Why Choose an Eco Tour in Murrells Inlet?
Visit Murrells Inlet’s eco-tour, which is a fantastic opportunity to experience and learn about the environment of the area in more detail directly from a nature specialist. You’ll be privy to a private experience with chances to ask your own questions, take your very own National Geographic-level photos in the wild, and of course, bask in the beauty surrounding you. Book with Visit Murrells Inlet today!